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Fundraise for us

Are you planning a sponsored walk, run, swim, cycle ride, quiz, karaoke or golf day?  Or, if you like the idea of fundraising for us but need a few tips and some inspiration here are some of the heroes who have already supported our cause. Whatever you decide, we are here to offer advice, practical help and moral support. Please get in touch or download our Fundraising Leaflet for further information.

Meet some of our inspirational fundraisers

Daniel Erskine

Events: Hadrian’s Wall and Great North Run

Daniel has decided to do two events for us in 2024. He’ll first walk the length of Hadrian’s Wall and then in September, take part in the Great North Run. In Daniel’s words, “I had the great privilege of meeting the amazing folks who run MLD Support Association, almost all of whom have the lived experience of caring for a child with MLD. I have also met the families who try and give their children a normal life in the most abnormal of circumstances. I feel compelled to help.” Please support Daniel on his JustGiving page.

Sally Tooms

Event: London Marathon 2023

When Sally saw the TV coverage about Nala and Teddi and Gene Therapy she contacted us to ask if she could run for our Charity, to support families affected by MLD. I am sure we will all be watching her on TV on Sunday 23 April and cheering her on. We are all so grateful to her for her time and effort. Sally’s training is going well and at the time of writing, is up to 17 miles and planning a 20 miler on Easter Sunday before tapering back down. Please support Sally on her fundraising page.

Abdul Shahed

Event: Tandem Sky Dive

Hamzah, my cousin, is a 3-year old boy who suffers from Late-Infantile MLD. I decided to do the skydive because I have always been afraid of heights and I felt if I could overcome my fear by jumping 15,000ft out of a plane, I can somewhat overcome my fear of eventually losing Hamzah. We may not be able to change Hamzah’s fate, but together we can help give other children like him a brighter future. With my supporters we raised £2,740.

Keira Tinnelly

Event: Together for Leo

Leo is a 4-year old boy who is suffering from Late-Infantile MLD. A 5K walk took place at Kilbroney Park, Rostrevor, Co. Down, Northern Ireland, followed by a balloon release, to raise funds for MLD Support Association UK and vital equipment for Leo. They raised a wonderful £2,500 for the charity.

Chantelle Bond

Event: Charity Bike Ride in Canterbury

Chantelle Bond attended an event put on by the National Citizen Service in Kent to raise awareness of MLD Support Association UK and the work we do to support sufferers and their families. She wanted to help us and signed up for a Charity Bike Ride which took place in Canterbury to raise funds for our charity on JustGiving. Well done Chantelle, who raised £125.

Paul Warrington

Event: London Marathon 2019

Paul Warrington has known Scott Clark (sufferer of Adult-Onset MLD) for over 25 years. He is a designer who created the brand identity and website for MLD Support Association UK. He is also involved with regular updates of our marketing materials. Thank you Paul for undertaking such a gruelling run for our Charity and Good Luck.

Andrew Husdon

Event: Brighton Marathon 2019

Andrew recently learnt about a young man suffering from MLD and realised just how few people know about this rare disease and wanted to support our charity to raise awareness, support families and fund research. He will be running his 10th Brighton Marathon and thought it would be a good idea to up his game and try and raise a decent amount of money. He wrote on his Just Giving page, “People like me take good health for granted but many people have their health stolen by cruel life changing illnesses like MLD”. Thank you Andrew for choosing to run for us.

Kieren Martin

Event: Abseiling the ArcelorMittal Orbit

In August 2019, Keiren Martin is planning to Abseil from the ArcelorMittal Orbit in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, an 80-metre freefall, the UK’s highest apparently. He regularly takes on challenges for charity, and this time has chosen us. Let’s all wish him luck.

Elliott & Leanne Whattingham

Event: Epsom Golf Charity Day

Elliott and Leanne Whattingham, Denise Hodgson, Amy, Gail and Chris organised an all-day Golf Event at the Epsom Golf Club. Their family had suffered two bereavements from Adult-Onset MLD and organised this day in their loved ones’ honour. They gathered together almost 60 golfers who took part in the challenge, which was followed by a Raffle. Altogether, they raised £4,000 for the Charity.