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General Terms:

These Terms and Conditions take effect from your first visit, and your use of the site indicates that you accept these terms and conditions. They can be changed at any time by MLD Support Association UK, without the need to notify users, so we ask that you check them on a regular basis.

If there appears to be conflict between the Terms and Conditions, and some specific terms in use elsewhere on the website which relate to specific material, then the latter shall prevail.

Accuracy and Liability:

We are a UK based Charity and therefore all of our activities fall under UK law and regulations.

We will take every care to ensure that the information used on this site is accurate in the UK, is ethical, and is legally correct. We accept no liability for any loss howsoever caused by your reliance on any content or information on this website. Nor can we guarantee the security or accuracy of any other website which may be accessed through this website. If you believe any content within these pages is inaccurate or out-of-date please inform us.


This policy is written in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. MLD Support Association UK is registered with the Data Protection Commission, and will always endeavour to follow the appropriate guidelines. However,

MLD Support Association UK does not guarantee that any information submitted electronically will be totally secure, as there is always a risk of interception before reaching us (or any other organisation). MLD Support Association UK is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our members and users at all times, and the administrators will not divulge any personal information received by whatever means, without prior consent of the member/user of our services. Details from our database of personal information will not be forwarded to any third parties at any time, except with the express permission of the person/persons involved.

Unauthorised Access:

Hacking into this website for whatever purpose, is not only illegal, but also unethical. Any unauthorised alterations or additions to the content of the website could be misleading. Although we will take steps to secure the website against unauthorised access, if you feel that any advice or information purported to come from these pages is questionable, then please contact us for verification.


We have provided links in this website to other organisations who might offer guidance about MLD and/or related conditions. Please read their Privacy Policy before use, as we cannot guarantee, or be responsible for, their security or content. We are happy for our website to be linked from any other appropriate organisation, but would like to be advised of any such occurrence.

Copyright; Intellectual Property:

MLD Support Association UK require that our logo, ‘strapline’, and text, both on the website and in our published documents, are not used elsewhere without our specific written permission.